Synopsis: TPR Publishes Automatic Enrolment Declaration of Compliance Report to the end of February 2015.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published its monthly report on automatic enrolment, which sets out information based on data submitted by employers. According to the report, 44,969 employers completed their declaration of compliance between July 2012 and the end of February 2015.
TPR publishes monthly information on automatic enrolment, derived from information submitted by employers when they complete their declaration of compliance (registration), supplemented by annual reports including additional analysis and commentary. The initial monthly report for the cumulative period to the end of February 2015 is set out in the table below.
Employers have up to five months from their staging date to provide us with information on automatic enrolment (i.e. employers who have staged from November 2014 may not yet have completed the declaration process and therefore may not be included in this report). While the information contained below is the actual data received by TPR, there will be employers that have reached their staging date, who have automatically enrolled their eligible jobholders and who have not yet completed their declaration. The figure for eligible jobholders (2i) that have been automatically enrolled is therefore likely to be higher than that shown in this report.
The following numbers have been rounded and may be subject to revision.
1.Employers that confirmed to us they have met their duties by completing their declaration of compliance during the period – 44,969
2.Total workers of the employers in 1 above who have declared their compliance, comprising: 19,997,000
i) eligible jobholders automatically enrolled into an automatic enrolment pension scheme – 9,279,000
ii) workers who are already active members of a qualifying scheme on the staging date- 5,178,000
iii) eligible jobholders who have had the defined benefit or hybrid scheme transitional arrangements applied to them – 427,000
iv) workers who do not fall into the above categories – 5,112,000
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