Synopsis: Pension Minister, Steve Webb has announced that State Pension forecasts to be revised following confusion.

Date posted: Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The state pension forecasts sent out to those who will retire under the new flat-rate system are to be replaced following a number of complaints. Those due to retire after 6 April 2016 have said that the forecasts are confusing due to the fact that they show figures for what they would receive under both the current and the new system.

Many recipients have telephoned the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to question the amounts and the DWP now says that it will revise the format of the letters with the new ones being available within weeks.

Pensions Minister Steve Webb is quoted in as saying: ‘I have listened to the people who have received the first new state pension statements and, as a result, I am planning to introduce some changes that make the information in them clearer and easier to understand.’

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