Synopsis: Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekends broadsheets. At the end of each summary is a link to take you directly to the relevant article. Please see Helpful Hints at the end of the bulletin.
Date posted: Monday, January 05, 2015
Financial Times:” Nuts and bolts of the pensions revolution”. Much-anticipated changes to pension rules — due to come into force in just a few months — promise to deliver freedom and choice for millions of retiring savers. Until now, hundreds of thousands of people each year exchanged their savings for a guaranteed income in the form of a lifetime annuity at age 65. From April, the requirement for most to do this will be lifted.
Click here to go directly to the article
The Times:” Compensation scheme ‘let down 82,000 pensioners'”. Government rules punish many whose old employers went bust
Click here to go directly to the article
The Telegraph:” How to make 2015 the year you get the perfect pension”. The countdown to ‘pension freedom’ has begun so Katie Morley shows you what to do, and when, if you want to take advantage Click here to go directly to the article
The Telegraph:” Sell your pensions for cash in retirement, Steve Webb says”. Pension’s minister Steve Webb wants to extend freedoms announced in the Budget to give up to five million existing pensioners the chance to trade in their annuities for cash
Click here to go directly to the article
As some Opus Gold users will be aware, many of the broadsheet newspapers that are traditionally covered in our From the Papers bulletin, are changing (or have changed) their free online access to articles.
Currently the Financial Times and Weekend Financial Times only allows access to view 8 articles a month free, then requiring the user to subscribe to their online service. From 1 July 2010 The Times, Saturday Times and Sunday Times articles are no longer available for free online. Instead a daily or monthly fee will have to be paid to access the articles.
We are aware of the inconvenience this will cause to our users. Unfortunately, due to the stringent copyright rules enforced by the newspapers we are not allowed to copy the articles onto our bulletin to make them available to Opus Gold users, thus our only option is to put a direct link to the article on the newspapers own website.
Although we will continue to produce From the Papers bulletins linking to these articles, users should be aware that access to many will now be blocked unless a personal subscription to the newspapers site is taken.
Once again we apologise for this inconvenience but this is something outside of our control.
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